Getting Creative

So I’ve been deisgning my unit for Year 5 Mathematics with the incorporation of ICTs and I decided to google search some programs and ICTs that I could possibly use for mathematics, especially that of measurment and geometry of which my unit is on. Through this process I came to find a program called SketchUp which allowes you to design and create three dimensional buildings and objects and then print them. The program is fantastic and only has a few tools so it’s fairly easy to navigate and it doesn’t take long to figure out. I think it’s an awesome program that could be used to transform students’ learning through using this ICT as students are able to see designs they come up with in 3-D form rather than just seeing a 2-D picture on a piece of paper. It is a fantastic program to use for activities like measurement and geometry or even History/Geography in the upper years where they can create a replica of another building in the world and geo-locate it on Google Earth so that anybody anywhere can see it.
CaptureThere are so many advantages of using SketchUp with students and best of all… it’s FREE! (If you get the SketchUpMake version). I reccommend that you check it out and have a play around with the program, it’s actually quite fun!

Catch you on the flip side,
Hayley 🙊

2 thoughts on “Getting Creative

  1. Pingback: Enter my world of weirdness | mazzaedwards

  2. Pingback: Math resource | Schon Hansen's weblog

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